Linking Open Cultural Data in Canada Data Intake

The information we collect here is meant to reflect events, projects, and publications that have contributed to building an ecology for Linked Open Data over the last 5 years or so.

Personal Information

Preferred First Name

Preferred Last Name

Alternate Names

Please enter any alternative names that might appear in publications, for multiple names please use a semicolon as a separator.


Don’t have an ORCID? You want one! Sign up quickly here:

Personal home page to link to in visualization

Event Information

Add all events that you have participated in, either as an attendee, participant, or organizer. Inform us of what roles apply.

Project Participation

In this section, you will be asked to indicate your role in any related projects with which you have been involved.


Please add a paper/publication that you have taken part in that has taken place in the last 6 years regarding LOD/Diversity/Difference.

Thank you so much for taking time to enter your information. We hope you’ll enjoy exploring your connection to the Canadian LOD environment through the visualization!